

TEL 139-0559-1528

M12 Hall sensor

Release time:2020/07/27 Hits:952 Source:
  • Model Selectable
  • Specifications
  • External diameter
  • Widely used


    Instruction of models and parameters LJ12A-4S Series
    Model Number(M12 Waterproof Non-buried)
    DC (Direct Current) Type NPN & 3-wire & normal open LJ12A-4/Z2CN2/2/S
    NPN & 3-wire & normal close LJ12A-4/Z2DN2/2/S
    NPN & 4-wire & one open one close LJ12A-4/Z2EN2/2/S
    PNP& 3-wire & normal open LJ12A-4/Z2CP2/2/S
    PNP& 3-wire & normal close LJ12A-4/Z2DP2/2/S
    PNP & 4-wire & one open one close LJ12A-4/Z2EP2/2/S
    2-wire & normal open LJ12A-4/Z0AN2/2/S
    2-wire & normal close LJ12A-4/Z0BN2/2/S
    AC (Alternating Current) Type 2-wire & normal open LJ12A-4/J2A2/2/S
    2-wire & normal close LJ12A-4/J2B2/2/S
    Detection distance 6mm±10%
    Detection object Metal
    Standard detection object Iron, 48x48x1mm
    Voltage DC type(NPN,PNP,2-wire):10-30VDC
    AC type:90-250VAC
    Static current DC type(NPN,PNP,2-wire):3mA/12V
    5mA/24V,??AC type:
    Response frequency DC type:100Hz,AC type:20Hz
    Output current Resistive load: Max 200mA
    Inductive load: Max 100mA
    Circuit protection DC type ?Anti-connection, surge absorption
    Ambient temperature Temperature:-25℃--- +75℃(But not freezing)
    Residual voltage DC Type(NPN,PNP):
    AC Type (2-wire):
    Insulation resistance >50MΩ
    (Shake the meter with DC500V, between the live part and the shell)
    Withstand voltage AC1500V? 50/60Hz,1min
    Between the live part and the shell
    Protection level IP67(IEC specifications)

    It is widely used in automatic control, quality inspection and safety protection in industries such as bearings, textiles, metallurgy, elevators, and machine tools.

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